Vibrational Sound Healing
Service Description
Relax to the beautiful tones of these 99.992% pure quartz bowls as you get an energetic tune-up! This service combines the use of crystals, sound vibration healing and energy work. Tuning forks makes use of vibrational frequencies that increases energy flow in the biofield, which improves circulation and removes blocked energy in the body. The energy of natural crystals integrates with one’s own energy, raising the vibrational frequencies within the body. What is Crystal Energy? Crystals are living energy born from the earth. By utilizing their vibrational energy and the knowledge of the body’s energy centers, higher states of being on all levels can be achieved. The use of crystals can transform us. When used in conjunction with other energy modalities, clients often report a more enriching spiritual experience. What Are the Benefits of Crystal Energy Work? - Clears auric field of disruptive or congested energy blocks and unnecessary attachments - Balances and clears chakras (energy centers) - Aids in deeper meditation - Relieves stress/anxiety, and fatigue - Increases energy flow - Assists in raising personal vibration and tuning into higher vibrations - Supports the recovery process What are Crystal Singing Bowls? I believe sound vibration energy work should be performed with PURE crystal singing bowls that have been chosen with the best of intentions and guidance. I traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah to personally select the PURE crystal singing bowls made exclusively by Crystal Tones® for use in my sessions.

Contact Details
1324 Lake Drive Southeast, Suite 7, Grand Rapids, MI 49506, USA